
Berlin travel guide: 6 date spot ideas

Berlin travel guide: 6 date spot ideas

Igor Kolesnikov, journalist, and author of the YouTube channel Strangerland TV, has created a list of Berlin hot spots where romance can turn into anything at any time. Afternoon petting session on an airfield, a tour of David Bowie's places of fame, boozing with the locals, lazy bohemian karaoke, and dinner at the crematorium — how does that sound? Berlin travel guide with date ideas as a twist. 

In addition to everything that can be found in a Berlin travel guide high-quality dating is easily accessible in Berlin. Raves, museums, and parks — I know, right? Surely, your girlfriends will undoubtedly tell you how their battery keeps running out due to the abundance of ideas here.

Here are my top six places for a date in Berlin, gay or nay. My picks of a travel guide? The vibes is that you will feel as if you've lived here for a long time. As well I wanted to give you enough insights so you'll be able to discuss any urban legends on a sexy date with a local.


Tempelhofer Feld

Berlin is undoubtedly a city of parks, and this is the strangest, and possibly the most bizarre, park in the city. I always use it as a “blind test” to see if a person likes the city. If Tempelhof is a success, then so is the rest of Berlin, with its underground madness and progressive twists and turns.

It's not even a park in the traditional sense. This Berlin park is a vast wasteland on the site of the former airport. There are no trees. The only places for walking paths are runways, lined with all kinds of fancy people on picnics. They fly kites, race longboards, and admire sunsets and views of the airport. The airport itself has been abandoned for god-knows-what reason.

I was once at a party inside the building itself, which has become increasingly difficult to enter in recent years. There was everything you could imagine. The old airline receipts with labels like Bourbon Airlines from the 20th century. Deserted baggage claim belts. Unusual date experience in Berlin? I can tell it is. After the rave, you can accompany your date to the takeoff field with a beer from the nearest späti, wait for another eclipse, or simply gaze at the stars at night.


Akazienkiez Walk

Walk down the Akazienkiez from David Bowie's apartment in Schoneberg. Here is where they came from LA with Iggy Pop in the 1970s.  Bowie wrote his best albums here, for example, the Berlin trilogy with "Heroes".  After their gatherings and the fall of the Wall, Schoneberg became Berlin's best neighbourhood. That is commonly how locals think. If someone says they want to move here, you can bet they've been in Berlin for a long time. Unlike any travel guide to Berlin! It's a mash-up of everything that's great about this city, but without its flaws. Bohemianism without the trash and dealers. Great restaurants for a dinner date without long lines and exorbitant prices. A massive LGBT neighbourhood to explore Berlin gay nightlife. And beautiful old houses untouched by graffiti and tourists.


Admiralbrücke in Kreuzberg

An excellent spot for a progressive date idea in Berlin. So the weather is nice and you don't want to spend money on a cafe? Cheap date: come here. You will find people with weed, guitars, and ukuleles sitting on the sidewalk. They drink wine which is legal in Berlin. They smoke, laugh, and fall in love. They make out and that makes a sexy vibe for a date. If you're sick of sitting on cobblestones, take a short walk to a ritzy canal promenade lined with trendy bars and restaurants. Berlin is a place where you can try different vibes on a date and see what works for two of you. A date with a walk can turn in a restaurant date can turn in a sex date can turn in a drinking night out. Be spontaneous — that's the Berlin vibe. 


Mauer Park in Prenzlauerberg

A neighborhood is known as "latte macchiato mutti" (latte macchiato mamas). You'll see plenty of hipsters and trendsetters with children here. Trendy neighborhoods have become too informal for them. After all, you may want to eat avocado toast without dealers grabbing your hand? Ok. And a latte without homeless people running around with their dogs? Welcome. So Mauer Park is the least "crazy" place in the neighbourhoods. You'll also find amateur DJs playing in the park, not techno, but something lighter. And instead of beer from the späti, you might have a spritz of Aperol on tap. Graffiti is existent, but it is very neat. Sunday karaoke in the amphitheater is a favourite activity for the entire park. Vanilla date in Berlin. Safe options.


A movie theater, restaurant, and cultural center in the former crematorium building in Wedding

Wedding has been promising to be Berlin's trendiest neighborhood for years, outshining artistic Neukeln. The travel guides to Berlin were hoping for that! To be fair, this hope lasted for at least ten years and have yet to deliver. This is the place for you if you aren't scared to watch the "Psychic Challenge" and aren't too superstitious. There are great restaurants for a dinner date and a fantastic concert venue right next to the cemetery. The stage is just behind the crematorium oven. In summer, you can go on a date to watch a good movie on the lawn with a glass of wine. Even more romantic? Peer at the moon through the high chimney and contemplate eternity. For more arty facts for your date's ears: this crematorium was one of the Berlinale's official venues last year.


Cafes and bars around Boxhagener Platz

One of the most leftist and anti-globalization neighborhoods in Berlin is here. Friedrichshain is home to some of the most well-known clubs, including Berghain. You may live near the coolest clubs, but they'll never let you in, as the city memes say. But you can definitely get a date with some young anarchist, hippie, or punk here. The bars are lively and full of smoke. Yes, smoking is still permitted in Berlin bars. And it's inexpensive. When the weather is nice, everyone gathers and parties outside. To live your life to the fullest, you should sleep with the fun people of Friedrichshain and Neukölln. Sex date in Berlin? That's your hot spot and best idea. But for your own sake — you should live somewhere quieter.


Your perfect date — on Pure!

Get inspired by the guide, post your Pure Ad, and the rest is magic! Don’t be shy.

I’ve been told I have a magic touch. Find out yourself!

1 km

The best roller coaster ride you can imagine.

2 km

You parents will love me, but your neighbours wont.

1 km

Let’s go to the Zoo together and be animals in the bedroom afterwards.

2 km

Convince me to stay home and lock ourselves up all day.

2 km

Let’s lay on the floor and have deep conversations. Then makeout.

1 km

Destination – pleasure. Our PureArline promocode:


I'm no Macaulay Culkin, but tonight I'm home alone.

2 km

Give me your car keys so I can drive you crazy.

1 km

I’ve been told I have a magic touch. Find out yourself!

1 km

The best roller coaster ride you can imagine.

2 km

You parents will love me, but your neighbours wont.

1 km

Let’s go to the Zoo together and be animals in the bedroom afterwards.

2 km

Convince me to stay home and lock ourselves up all day.

2 km

Let’s lay on the floor and have deep conversations. Then makeout.

1 km

Destination – pleasure. Our PureArline promocode:


I'm no Macaulay Culkin, but tonight I'm home alone.

2 km

Give me your car keys so I can drive you crazy.

1 km

I’ve been told I have a magic touch. Find out yourself!

1 km

The best roller coaster ride you can imagine.

2 km

You parents will love me, but your neighbours wont.

1 km

Let’s go to the Zoo together and be animals in the bedroom afterwards.

2 km

Convince me to stay home and lock ourselves up all day.

2 km

Let’s lay on the floor and have deep conversations. Then makeout.

1 km

Destination – pleasure. Our PureArline promocode:


I'm no Macaulay Culkin, but tonight I'm home alone.

2 km

Give me your car keys so I can drive you crazy.

1 km

This city doesn’t have a guide yet, but you can get inspired by others!

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